A lawsuit has been filed against former Bakersfield fire chief Douglas Greener with allegations of sexual battery, harassment and discrimination.
The suit is filed against the city, in addition to former city fire chief Douglas Greener and others listed as john does.
The plaintiff is only listed as Jane Doe.
The woman alleges she was forced to quit her job after finally gaining the strength to come forward about the alleged sexual harassment and assault.
The lawsuit is a narrative of the plaintiff’s allegations that she and her attorney hope will eventually be herd in front of a jury in civil court.

According to the suit, the plaintiff worked for the city for 12 years and was transferred to the fire department in 2013 where she worked as an accounting clerk
The plaintiff alleges greener followed her around the office, bumping up against her, and putting his crotch against her buttocks.
The suit goes onto claim greener would also lean over the plaintiff and brush his hand against her breasts, but claimed it was accidental.
Ultimately, she says she told the city human resources department, which began an investigation into the allegations.

The plaintiff says she quickly felt they didn’t believe her-and ultimately transferred her to another department in the city where work was unpleasant.
The plaintiff says she was under so much stress she lost 40 pounds, and by may, her doctor put her on stress disability and finally told her to quit.
17 News tried contacting Greener for comment but have not heard back from him.