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Shegerian Conniff Announces Decision to Allow Barista’s Sexual Harassment Lawsuit Against Starbucks to Proceed to Trial

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  • Shegerian Conniff Announces Decision to Allow Barista’s Sexual Harassment Lawsuit Against Starbucks to Proceed to Trial
Shegerian Conniff LLP has announced that a judge has ruled that Princess Hodges may proceed to trial with her lawsuit against Starbucks Corporation.

LOS ANGELES, CA, UNITED STATES, December 13, 2024 / — Los Angeles-based employment law firm, Shegerian Conniff LLP has announced today that a Los Angeles Superior Court judge has ruled that Princess Hodges may proceed to trial with her sexual harassment and gender discrimination lawsuit against Starbucks Corporation.

Hodges, a former barista at a Starbucks in Santa Monica, alleges in her lawsuit that she was subjected to ongoing sexual harassment from a male supervisor, who engaged in inappropriate and intimidating behavior. The alleged harassment ultimately caused Hodges to resign in September 2022, citing intolerable working conditions as the cause.

During a hearing on November 29, 2024, Judge Tony L. Richardson rejected Starbucks’ motion to dismiss the lawsuit in its entirety. The court upheld Hodges’ claims of discrimination, sexual harassment, wrongful constructive termination, and intentional infliction of emotional distress.

“[The] Plaintiff advances compelling details about how her work environment became so abusive that she had no choice but to resign,” Judge Richardson stated in his written ruling.

The lawsuit, originally filed in February 2023, outlines Hodges’ allegations of a hostile work environment, including claims that her supervisor repeatedly harassed her despite her requests for the behavior to stop. Hodges also alleges that another manager failed to address her complaints, leaving her without recourse.

The trial is scheduled to begin on March 3, 2025.

Hodges is represented by Shegerian Conniff LLP attorneys Heather Conniff, Cortney Shegerian, and Isabella DeSisto.

This case is filed in Los Angeles County under case number 23STCV02667.

Media Inquiries: For media inquiries, please contact Brendan Egan at

SOURCE Shegerian Conniff LLP

Brendan Egan
Shegerian Conniff

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